As you may know, certain foods can harm your pearly whites. For instance, foods and drinks like soda and candy can damage your teeth and cause tooth decay. However, did you know that there are several foods that could actually help your teeth?
For example, you probably know that an apple is good for your body, but did you know that apples are also good for your oral health? You see, the chewing motion can produce saliva flow, which can negate bad bacteria and carry food and bacteria away from your mouth. You can also expect increased saliva flow with carrots, celery, and other crisp, fresh vegetables.
Dairy products such as yogurt, whole milk, and cheese can also help your teeth. These foods provide calcium and protein, which strengthen your teeth. They also act as a base, essentially creating an environment where bad bacteria will struggle to grow.
Leafy greens are another food that can benefit your teeth. These are full of vitamins and minerals, which can strengthen the outer layer of your teeth. They also contain folic acid, which has been used to treat gum disease in pregnant women. Almonds also offer a number of the same benefits.
Would you like to learn more about the benefits these healthy foods can have on your teeth? Are you interested in learning more about how you could keep your teeth healthy and strong? Would you simply like to schedule a meeting with Dr. [doctor_name]? If so, please feel free to contact [practice_name] by calling us at [phone]. We’re excited to meet with you!