The Ways to Care for a Knocked-Out Tooth

If you’ve recently knocked out one of your permanent teeth, our [practice_name] team is happy to tell you what to do. Dental emergencies in [city], [state], can be terrifying, so the first thing you need to do is stay calm. Then, you can do the following things:

-Retrieve the tooth: Find the tooth, hold it by the crown, and rinse the root off with water if it’s dirty. As you wash the tooth, do not scrub it. Scrubbing can remove the attached tissue fragments that are needed.

-Try to put the tooth back in place: If you can put the tooth back into its socket, please do so. However, if you do, make sure the tooth is facing the right way when you place it. Also, never force it into the socket. If you can’t put the tooth back into place, you can put it in a small container of milk or in a cup of water with a pinch of table salt. If neither of those things are possible, you can put the tooth in a product that contains cell growth medium.

-See your dentist: Call your dentist and schedule an emergency appointment as soon as possible. The only way you can save your tooth is by having your dentist put it back into place within 1 hour of it being knocked out.

Dr. [doctor_name] and our team care about you and your smile, which is why we are here to help you in any way we can. For additional tips and information on how to care for a knocked-out tooth, please call [phone] today and talk to a member of our team. The sooner you call our office, the sooner you’ll have the restored oral health you deserve!

Reacting in a Dental Emergency

Here’s a story.

You wake up one morning and notice a pain in your mouth. At first you wonder if something has become lodged between one of your teeth, maybe a piece of popcorn shell, but some quick flossing tells you nothing is there. You come to the unhappy conclusion that you have a toothache. What do you do?

Dental emergencies tend to strike at the most inconvenient times. But responding to them appropriately can mean the difference between saving a tooth and requiring more extensive treatment. Getting to the dentist as quickly as possible is the best thing you can do, regardless of the situation.

Let’s come back to your toothache. You might think it can wait until the weekend, or that it might even go away on its own. Don’t wait until the pain finally becomes unbearable. Treatment is easier if the problem is addressed earlier.

What about other emergencies? If an entire tooth is knocked out, rinse it off holding the crown only. Don’t scrub. Try and insert it back into place, or put it in some milk or salty water. Get to a dentist. Save any fragments from chipped or broken teeth, and get to a dentist. Pain can be controlled with a little clove oil. If you lose a crown, try and fit it back into place using some toothpaste. Cover a lost filling with sugarfree gum. Get to a dentist as soon as possible.

Knowing how to appropriately react in a dental emergency can save you or a loved one unnecessary discomfort and pain. At [practice_name], we are ready to deal with any dental emergency here in the [city], [st], area. Please contact us at [phone] with any questions.